Dupuytren’s contracture

Dupuytren’s collagenase

Dupuytren’s disease planned for collagenase treatment

After collagenase injection

Result of manipulation

The final result of collagenase and manipulation- straight finger!

Dermofasciectomy for Dupuytren’s disease

Before dermofasciectomy for Dupuytren’s disease

Post dermofasciectony for Dupuytren’s disease

Thumb pulp reconstructions and finger free toe pulp

Thumb reconstructed using a transplanted part of the big toe. The patient was delighted to be able to text once more!

Another thumb reconstruction with transplanted toe pulp

Free toe pulp flap reconstruction of the ring finger with anastomoses to the digital artery and dorsal vein

Preop and post removal finger lesions

Preop finger lesion and post removal


Fracture of the proximal phalanx of a finger

Fracture during surgery

Postop of the phalanx fracture fixed with screws

Double metacarpal fractures

Metacarpals fixed with plates

Rolando fracture

Rolando fracture fixed with plate and screws, restoring normal function