Basal cell carcinoma on the eyelid marked for excision and reconstruction.
Eyelid after reconstruction.
Cysts on back of neck and head.
Cysts marked for removal
Cysts removed
BCC on nose with planned bilobed flap
early post operative bilobed flap
mole right cheek before
mole right cheek after
Squamous cell carinoma of ear
Squamous cell carcinoma on ear marked for excision with margins
Ear immediately after removal of squamous cell carcinoma
Late result after ear reconstruction.
Mucous cyst obliterating nail fold.
Early post operative result after excision of cyst and local flap
BCC on cheek with planned flap
BCC on cheek with flap postop after 3 weeks
Basal Cell Carcinoma removal before and after
Full thickness skingraft on forehead after cancer removal
Keloid on ear before and after
Large tumour on chest and Rhomboid flap
Keloid scar left ear before and after
Process of mole removal
1. Mole on right cheek
2. Mole is marked to plan best direction of scar
3. Dressing applied
Pyogenic granuloma on right cheek lower eyelid.
After removal of pyogenic granuloma.
Before and after mole removal
Basal Cell Carcinoma marked for excision with margin and closure with advancement flap – the wound defect would be too big to close directly.
3 weeks postop.
3 weeks postop BCC and local flap.
Long term result
Rhinophyma preop.
Rhinophyma postop.
skin cancer of ear before
Ear after removal and reconstruction of 1.8cm skin cancer lesion.
rhinophyma preop
Skin cancer on nose.
Nose reconstructed after wide and deep excision of tumour.
Keloid scar on the ear after piercing.
Keloid ear after excision and reconstruction of piercing.
Back of ear after keloid removal.
Close up of scar after skin cancer removal from the left cheek.
excision of basal cell cancer and advancement flap early result before scar settled